BrightstarDB is about giving developers a really powerful, quick and clean experience in defining and realizing persistent object systems on .NET. To achieve this BrightstarDB can use a set of interface definitions with simple annotations to generate a full LINQ capable object model that stores object state in a BrightstarDB instance. In this quick introduction we will show how to create a new data model in Visual Studio, create a new BrightstarDB store and populate it with data.
The source code for this example can be found in [INSTALLDIR]\Samples\Embedded\EntityFramework\EntityFrameworkSamples.sln
Create a new project in Visual Studio. For this example we chose a command line application. After creating the project ensure the build target is set to ’.NET Framework 4’ and that the Platform Target is set to ‘Any CPU’
In the solution explorer right click and add a new item. Choose the ‘Brightstar Entity Context’ from the list.
The project will now show a new component has been added called “”. On the project references right click and add references. Browse to the [INSTALLDIR]\SDK\net40 folder and include all the ”.dll” files that are there.
In this sample we will create a data model that contains actors and films. An actor has a name and a date of birth. An actor can star in many films and each film has many actors. Films also have name property.
The BrightstarDB Entity Framework requires you to define the data model as a set of .NET interface definitions. You can either write these interfaces entirely by hand or you can use the Brightstar Entity Definition item template. Again, right-click on the solution item in the project explorer window and add a new item, this time from the displayed list choose Brightstar Entity Definition and change the name of the file to IActor.cs.
Add the following code to that file:
public interface IActor
string Name { get; set; }
DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
ICollection<IFilm> Films { get; set; }
Then add another Brightstar Entity Definition named IFilm.cs and include the following code:
public interface IFilm
string Name { get; set; }
ICollection<IActor> Actors { get; }
A context is a manager for objects in a store. It provides an entry point for running LINQ queries and creating new objects. The context and implementing classes are automatically generated from the interface definitions. To create a context, right click on the file and select “Run custom tool”. This updates the MyEntityContext.cs to contain the context class and also classes that implement the specified interfaces.
The context is not automatically rebuilt on every build. After making a change to the interface definitions it is necessary to run the custom tool again.
The context can be used inside any .NET application or web service. The commented code below shows how to initialize a context and then use that context to create and persist data. It concludes by showing how to query the database using LINQ:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BrightstarDB.Client;
namespace GettingStarted
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// define a connection string
const string connectionString = "type=http;endpoint=http://localhost:8090/brightstar;storeName=Films";
// if the store does not exist it will be automatically
// created when a context is created
var ctx = new MyEntityContext(connectionString);
// create some films
var bladeRunner = ctx.Films.Create();
bladeRunner.Name = "BladeRunner";
var starWars = ctx.Films.Create();
starWars.Name = "Star Wars";
// create some actors and connect them to films
var ford = ctx.Actors.Create();
ford.Name = "Harrison Ford";
ford.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1942, 7, 13);
var hamill = ctx.Actors.Create();
hamill.Name = "Mark Hamill";
hamill.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1951, 9, 25);
// save the data
// open a new context, not required
ctx = new MyEntityContext(store);
// find an actor via LINQ
ford = ctx.Actors.Where(a => a.Name.Equals("Harrison Ford")).FirstOrDefault();
var dob = ford.DateOfBirth;
// list his films
var films = ford.Films;
// get star wars
var sw = films.Where(f => f.Name.Equals("Star Wars")).FirstOrDefault();
// list actors in star wars
foreach (var actor in sw.Actors)
var actorName = actor.Name;
Optimistic Locking is a way of handling concurrency control, meaning that multiple transactions can complete without affecting each other. If Optimistic Locking is turned on, then when a transaction tries to save data to the store, it first checks that the underlying data has not been modified by a different transaction. If it finds that the data has been modified, then the transaction will fail to complete.
BrightstarDB has the option to turn on optimistic locking when connecting to the store. This is done by setting the enableOptimisticLocking flag when opening a context such as below:
ctx = new MyEntityContext(connectionString, true);
var newFilm = ctx.Films.Create();
var newFilmId = newFilm.Id;
//use optimistic locking when creating a new context
var ctx1 = new MyEntityContext(connectionString, true);
var ctx2 = new MyEntityContext(connectionString, true);
//create a film in the first context
var film1 = ctx1.Films.Where(f => f.Id.Equals(newFilmId)).FirstOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine("First context has film with ID '{0}'", film1.Id);
//create a film in the second context
var film2 = ctx2.Films.Where(f => f.Id.Equals(newFilmId)).FirstOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine("Second context has film with ID '{0}'", film2.Id);
//attempt to change the data from both contexts
film1.Name = "Raiders of the Lost Ark";
film2.Name = "American Graffiti";
//save the data to the store
Console.WriteLine("Successfully updated the film to '{0}' in the store", film1.Name);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to save data to the store, as the underlying data has been modified.");
Optimistic Locking can also be enabled in the configuration using the BrightstarDB.EnableOptimisticLocking application setting
When enabled, query results are stored on disk until an update is made. If the same query is executed, the cached result is returned. Cached results are stored in the Windows temporary folder, and deleted when an update is made to the store.
Server side caching is enabled by default, but can be disabled by adding the appSetting below to the application configuration file:
<add key="BrightstarDB.EnableServerSideCaching" value="false" />
Server side caching is not supported on BrightstarDB for Windows Phone 7.
While this is just a short introduction it has covered a lot of how BrightstarDB works. The following sections provide some more conceptual details on how the store works, more details on the Entity Framework and how to work with BrightstarDB as a triple store.