The BrightstarDB Entity Framework is the main way of working with BrightstarDB instances. For those of you wanting to work with the underlying RDF directly please see the section on RDF Client API. BrightstarDB allows developers to define a data model using .NET interface definitions. BrightstarDB tools introspect these definitions to create concrete classes that can be used to create, and update persistent data. If you haven’t read the Getting Started section then we recommend that you do. The sample provided there covers most of what is required for creating most data models. The following sections in the developer guide provide more in-depth explanation of how things work along with more complex examples.
The BrightstarDB Entity Framework tooling is very simple to use. This guide shows how to get going, the rest of this section provides more in-depth information.
The process of using the Entity Framework is to:
- Include the BrightstarDB Entity Context item into a project.
- Define the interfaces for the data objects that should be persistent.
- Run the custom tool on the Entity Context text template file.
- Use the generated context to create, query or get and modify objects.
Including the BrightstarDB Entity Context
The Brightstar Entity Context is a text template that when run introspects the other code elements in the project and generates a number of classes and a context in a single file that can be found under the context file in Visual Studio. To add a new BrightstarEntityContext add a new item to the project. Locate the item in the list called Brightstar Entity Context, rename it if required, and add to the current project.
Define Interfaces
Interfaces are used to define a data model contract. Only interfaces marked with the Entity attribute will be processed by the text template. The following interfaces define a model that captures the idea of people working for an company.:
public interface IPerson
string Name { get; set; }
DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
string CV { get; set; }
ICompany Employer { get; set; }
public interface ICompany
string Name { get; set; }
ICollection<IPerson> Employees { get; }
Including a Brightstar Entity Definition Item
One quick way to include the outline of a BrightstarDB entity in a project is to right click on the project in the solution explorer and click Add New Item. Then select the Brightstar Entity Definition from the list and update the name.
This will add the following code file into the project.:
public interface IMyEntity1
/// <summary>
/// Get the persistent identifier for this entity
/// </summary>
string Id { get; }
// TODO: Add other property references here
Run the Custom Tool
To ensure that the generated classes are up to date right click on the .tt file in the solution explorer and select Run Custom Tool. This will ensure that the all the annotated interfaces are turned into concrete classes.
The custom tool is not run automatically on every rebuild so after changing an interface remember to run it.
Using a Context
A context can be thought of as a connection to a BrightstarDB instance. It provides access to the collections of domain objects defined by the interfaces. It also tracks all changes to objects and is responsible for executing queries and committing transactions.
A context can be opened with a connection string. If the store named does not exist it will be created. See the connection strings section for more information on allowed configurations. The following code opens a new context connecting to an embedded store:
var dataContext = new MyEntityContext("Type=embedded;StoresDirectory=c:\\brightstardb;StoreName=test");
The context exposes a collection for each entity type defined. For the types we defined above the following collections are exposed on a context:
var people = dataContext.Persons;
var companies = dataContext.Companies;
Each of these collections are in fact IQueryable and as such support LINQ queries over the model. To get an entity by a given property the following can be used:
var brightstardb = dataContext.Companies.Where(
c => c.Name.Equals("BrightstarDB")).FirstOrDefault();
Once an entity has been retrieved it can be modified or related entities can be fetched:
// fetching employees
var employeesOfBrightstarDB = brightstardb.Employees;
// update the company
brightstardb.Name = "BrightstarDB";
New entities can be created either via the main collection or by using the new keyword and attaching the object to the context:
// creating a new entity via the context collection
var bob = dataContext.Persons.Create();
bob.Name = "bob";
// or created using new and attached to the context
var bob = new Person() { Name = "Bob" };
Once a new object has been created it can be used in relationships with other objects. The following adds a new person to the collection of employees. The same relationship could also have been created by setting the Employer property on the person:
// Adding a new relationship between entities
var bob = dataContext.Persons.Create();
bob.Name = "bob";
// The relationship can also be defined from the 'other side'.
var bob = dataContext.Persons.Create();
bob.Name = "bob";
bob.Employer = brightstardb;
Saving the changes that have occurred is easily done by calling a method on the context:
The BrightstarDB entity framework relies on a few annotation types in order to accurately express a data model. This section describes the different annotations and how they should be used. The only required attribute annotation is Entity. All other attributes give different levels of control over how the object model is mapped to RDF.
BrightstarDB makes use of URIs to identify class types and property types. These URI values can be added on each property but to improve clarity and avoid mistakes it is possible to configure a base URI that is then used by all attributes. It is also possible to define models that do not have this attribute set.
The type identifier prefix can be set in the AssemblyInfo.cs file. The example below shows how to set this configuration property:
[assembly: TypeIdentifierPrefix("")]
The entity attribute is used to indicate that the annotated interface should be included in the generated model. Optionally, a full URI or a URI postfix can be supplied that defines the identity of the class. The following examples show how to use the attribute. The example with just the value ‘Person’ uses a default prefix if one is not specified as described above:
// example 1.
public interface IPerson { ... }
// example 2.
public interface IPerson { ... }
// example 3.
public interface IPerson { ... }
Example 3. above can be used to map .NET models onto existing RDF vocabularies. This allows the model to create data in a given vocabulary but it also allows models to be mapped onto existing RDF data.
The Identity property can be used to get and set the underlying identity of an Entity. The following example shows how this is defined:
// example 1.
public interface IPerson {
string Id { get; }
No annotation is required. It is also acceptable for the property to be called ID, {Type}Id or {Type}ID where {Type} is the name of the type. E.g: PersonId or PersonID.
Id property values are URIs, but in some cases it is necessary to work with simpler string values such as GUIDs or numeric values. To do this the Id property can be decorated with the identifier attribute. The identifier attribute requires a string property that is the identifier prefix - this can be specified either as a URI string or as {prefix}:{rest of URI} where {prefix} is a namespace prefix defined by the Namespace Declaration Attribute (see below):
// example 1.
public interface IPerson {
string Id { get; }
// example 2.
public interface ISkill {
string Id {get;}
// NOTE: For the above to work there must be an assembly attribute declared like this:
[assembly:NamespaceDeclaration("ex", "")]
Any .NET property with a getter or setter is automatically included in the generated type, no attribute annotation is required for this:
// example 1.
public interface IPerson {
string Id { get; }
string Name { get; set; }
When two types reference each other via different properties that in fact reflect different sides of the same association then it is necessary to declare this explicitly. This can be done with the InverseProperty attribute. This attribute requires the name of the .NET property on the referencing type to be specified:
// example 1.
public interface IPerson {
string Id { get; }
ICompany Employer { get; set; }
public interface IPerson {
string Id { get; }
ICollection<IPerson> Employees { get; set; }
The above example shows that the inverse of Employees is Employer. This means that if the Employer property on P1 is set to C1 then getting C1.Employees will return a collection containing P1.
When using URIs in annotations it is cleaner if the complete URI doesn’t need to be entered every time. To support this the NamespaceDeclaration assembly attribute can be used, many times if needed, to define namespace prefix mappings. The mapping takes a short string and the URI prefix to be used.
The attribute can be used to specify the prefixes required (typically assembly attributes are added to the AssemblyInfo.cs code file in the Properties folder of the project):
[assembly: NamespaceDeclaration("foaf", "")]
Then these prefixes can be used in property or type annotation using the CURIE syntax of {prefix}:{rest of URI}:
public interface IPerson { ... }
While no decoration is required to include a property in a generated class, if the property is to be mapped onto an existing RDF vocabulary then the PropertyType attribute can be used to do this. The PropertyType attribute requires a string property that is either an absolute or relative URI. If it is a relative URI then it is appended to the URI defined by the TypeIdentifierPrefix attribute or the default base type URI. Again, prefixes defined by a NamespaceDeclaration attribute can also be used:
// Example 1. Explicit type declaration
string Name { get; set; }
// Example 2. Prefixed type declaration.
// The prefix must be declared with a NamespaceDeclaration attribute
string Name { get; set; }
// Example 3. Where "name" is appended to the default namespace
// or the one specified by the TypeIdentifierPrefix in AssemblyInfo.cs.
string Name { get; set; }
Allows inverse properties to be mapped to a given RDF predicate type rather than a .NET property name. This is most useful when mapping existing RDF schemas to support the case where the .NET data-binding only requires the inverse of the RDF property:
// Example 1. The following states that the collection of employees
// is found by traversing the ""
// predicate from instances of Person.
ICollection<IPerson> Employees { get; set; }
Any custom attributes added to the entity interface that are not in the BrightstarDB.EntityFramework namespace will be automatically copied through into the generated class. This allows you to easily make use of custom attributes for validation, property annotation and other purposes.
As an example, the following interface code:
public interface IFoafPerson : IFoafAgent
string Id { get; }
[DisplayName("Also Known As")]
string Nickname { get; set; }
[CustomValidation(typeof(MyCustomValidator), "ValidateName",
ErrorMessage="Custom error message")]
string Name { get; set; }
would result in this generated class code:
public partial class FoafPerson : BrightstarEntityObject, IFoafPerson
public FoafPerson(BrightstarEntityContext context, IDataObject dataObject) : base(context, dataObject) { }
public FoafPerson() : base() { }
public System.String Id { get {return GetIdentity(); } set { SetIdentity(value); } }
#region Implementation of BrightstarDB.Tests.EntityFramework.IFoafPerson
[System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute("Also Known As")]
public System.String Nickname
get { return GetRelatedProperty<System.String>("Nickname"); }
set { SetRelatedProperty("Nickname", value); }
"ValidateName", ErrorMessage="Custom error message")]
public System.String Name
get { return GetRelatedProperty<System.String>("Name"); }
set { SetRelatedProperty("Name", value); }
It is also possible to add custom attributes to the generated entity class itself. Any custom attributes that are allowed on both classes and interfaces can be added to the entity interface and will be automatically copied through to the generated class in the same was as custom attributes on properties. However, if you need to use a custom attribute that is allowed on a class but not on an interface, then you must use the BrightstarDB.EntityFramework.ClassAttribute attribute. This custom attribute can be added to the entity interface and allows you to specify a different custom attribute that should be added to the generated entity class. When using this custom attribute you should ensure that you either import the namespace that contains the other custom attribute or reference the other custom attribute using its fully-qualified type name to ensure that the generated class code compiles successfully.
For example, the following interface code:
public interface IFoafPerson : IFoafAgent
// ... interface definition here
would result in this generated class code:
public partial class FoafPerson : BrightstarEntityObject, IFoafPerson
// ... generated class code here
Note that the DisplayName custom attribute is referenced using its fully-qualified type name (System.ComponentModel.DisplayName), as the generated context code will not include a using System.ComponentModel; namespace import. Alternatively, this interface code would also generate class code that compiles correctly:
using System.ComponentModel;
public interface IFoafPerson : IFoafAgent
// ... interface definition here
This section describes how to model common patterns using BrightstarDB Entity Framework. It covers how to define one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many and reflexive relationships.
Examples of these relationship patterns can be found in the Tweetbox sample.
Entities can have one-to-one relationships with other entities. An example of this would be the link between a user and a the authorization to another social networking site. The one-to-one relationship would be described in the interfaces as follows:
public interface IUser {
ISocialNetworkAccount SocialNetworkAccount { get; set; }
public interface ISocialNetworkAccount {
IUser TwitterAccount { get; set; }
A User entity can be modeled to have a one-to-many relationship with a set of Tweet entities, by marking the properties in each interface as follows:
public interface ITweet {
IUser Author { get; set; }
public interface IUser {
ICollection<ITweet> Tweets { get; set; }
The Tweet entity can be modeled to have a set of zero or more Hash Tags. As any Hash Tag entity could be used in more than one Tweet, this uses a many-to-many relationship pattern:
public interface ITweet {
ICollection<IHashTag> HashTags { get; set; }
public interface IHashTag {
ICollection<ITweet> Tweets { get; set; }
A reflexive relationship (that refers to itself) can be defined as in the example below:
public interface IUser {
ICollection<IUser> Following { get; set; }
ICollection<IUser> Followers { get; set; }
The classes generated by the BrightstarDB Entity Framework deal with data and data persistence. However, most applications require these classes to have behaviour. All generated classes are generated as .NET partial classes. This means that another file can contain additional method definitions. The following example shows how to add additional methods to a generated class.
Assume we have the following interface definition:
public interface IPerson {
string Id { get; }
string FirstName { get; set; }
string LastName { get; set; }
To add custom behaviour the new method signature should first be added to the interface. The example below shows the same interface but with an added method signature to get a user’s full name:
public interface IPerson {
string Id { get; }
string FirstName { get; set; }
string LastName { get; set; }
// new method signature
string GetFullName();
After running the custom tool on the file there is a new class called Person. To add additional methods add a new .cs file to the project and add the following class declaration:
public partial class Person {
public string GetFullName() {
return FirstName + " " + LastName;
The new partial class implements the additional method declaration and has access to all the data properties in the generated class.
The Entity Framework provides the option to enable optimistic locking when working with the store. Optimistic locking uses a well-known version number property (the property predicate URI is to track the version number of an entity, when making an update to an entity the version number is used to determine if another client has concurrently updated the entity. If this is detected, it results in an exception of the type BrightstarDB.Client.TransactionPreconditionsFailedException being raised.
Optimistic locking can be enabled either through the connection string (giving the user control over whether or not optimistic locking is enabled) or through code (giving the control to the programmer).
To enable optimistic locking in a connection string, simply add “optimisticLocking=true” to the connection string. e.g.
To enable optimistic locking from code, use the optional optimisticLocking parameter on the constructor of the context class e.g.:
var myContext = new MyEntityContext(connectionString, true);
The programmatic setting always overrides the setting in the connection string - this gives the programmer final control over whether optimistic locking is used. The programmer can also prevent optimistic locking from being used by passing false as the value of the optimisticLocking parameter of the constructor of the context class.
Optimistic locking errors only occur when the SaveChanges() method is called on the context class. The error is notified by raising an exception of the type BrightstarDB.Client.TransactionPreconditionsFailedException. When this exception is caught by your code, you have two basic options to choose from. You can apply each of these options separately to each object modified by your update.
- Attempt the save again but first update the local context object with data from the server. This will save all the changes you have made EXCEPT for those that were detected on the server. This is the “store wins” scenario.
- Attempt the save again, but first update only the version numbers of the local context object with data from the server. This will keep all the changes you have made, overwriting any concurrent changes that happened on the server. This is the “client wins” scenario.
To attempt the save again, you must first call the Refresh() method on the context object. This method takes two paramters - the first parameter specifies the mode for the refresh, this can either be RefreshMode.ClientWins or RefreshMode.StoreWins depending on the scenario to be applied. The second parameter is the entity or collection of entities to which the refresh is to be applied. You apply different refresh strategies to different entities within the same update if you wish. Once the conflicted entities are refreshed, you can then make a call to the SaveChanges() method of the context once more. The code sample below shows this in outline:
// Refresh the conflicted object(s) - in this case with the StoreWins mode
myContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, conflictedEntity);
// Attempt the save again
On stores with a high degree of concurrent updates it is possible that the second call to SaveChanges() could also result in an optimistic locking error because objects have been further modified since the initial optimistic locking failure was reported. Production code for highly concurrent environments should be written to handle this possibility.
The LINQ query processor in BrightstarDB has some restrictions, but supports the most commonly used core set of LINQ query methods. The following table lists the supported query methods. Unless otherwise noted the indexed variant of LINQ query methods are not supported.
Method | Notes |
Any | Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator |
All | Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator |
Average | Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator. |
Cast | Supported for casting between Entity Framework entity types only |
Contains | Supported for literal values only |
Count | Supported with or without a Boolean filter expression. Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator. |
Distinct | Supported for literal values. For entities Distinct() is supported but only to eliminate duplicates of the same Id any override of .Equals on the entity class is not used. |
First | Supported with or without a Boolean filter expression |
LongCount | Supported with or without a Boolean filter expression. Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator. |
Max | Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator. |
Min | Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator. |
OfType<TResult> | Supported only if TResult is an Entity Framework entity type |
OrderBy | |
OrderByDescending | |
Select | |
SelectMany | |
Single | Supported with or without a Boolean filter expression |
SingleOrDefault | Supported with or without a Boolean filter expression |
Skip | |
Sum | Supported as first result operator. Not supported as second or subsequent result operator. |
Take | |
ThenBy | |
ThenByDescending | |
Where |
In general, the translation of LINQ to SPARQL cannot translate methods on .NET datatypes into functionally equivalent SPARQL. However we have implemented translation of a few commonly used String, Math and DateTime methods as listed in the following table.
The return values of these methods and properties can only be used in the filtering of queries and cannot be used to modify the return value. For example you can test that foo.Name.ToLower().Equals("somestring"), but you cannot return the value foo.Name.ToLower().
.NET function | SPARQL Equivalent |
String Functions | |
p0.StartsWith(string s) | STRSTARTS(p0, s) |
p0.StartsWith(string s, bool ignoreCase, CultureInfo culture) | REGEX(p0, “^” + s, “i”) if ignoreCase is true; STRSTARTS(p0, s) if ignoreCase is false |
p0.StartsWith(string s, StringComparison comparisonOptions) | REGEX(p0, “^” + s, “i”) if comparisonOptions is StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase or StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; STRSTARTS(p0, s) otherwise |
p0.EndsWith(string s) | STRENDS(p0, s) |
REGEX(p0, s + “$”, “i”) if ignoreCase is true; STRENDS(p0, s) if ignoreCase is false |
REGEX(p0, s + “$”, “i”) if comparisonOptions is StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase or StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; STRENDS(p0, s) otherwise |
p0.Length | STRLEN(p0) |
p0.Substring(int start) | SUBSTR(p0, start) |
p0.Substring(int start, int len) | SUBSTR(p0, start, end) |
p0.ToUpper() | UCASE(p0) |
p0.ToLower() | LCASE(p0) |
Date Functions | |
p0.Day | DAY(p0) |
p0.Hour | HOURS(p0) |
p0.Minute | MINUTES(p0) |
p0.Month | MONTH(p0) |
p0.Second | SECONDS(p0) |
p0.Year | YEAR(p0) |
Math Functions | |
Math.Round(decimal d) | ROUND(d) |
Math.Round(double d) | ROUND(d) |
Math.Floor(decimal d) | FLOOR(d) |
Math.Floor(double d) | FLOOR(d) |
Math.Ceiling(decimal d) | CEIL(d) |
Math.Ceiling(decimal d) | CEIL(d) |
Regular Expressions | |
REGEX(p0, expression, flags) Flags are generated from the options parameter. The supported RegexOptions are IgnoreCase, Multiline, Singleline and IgnorePatternWhitespace (or any combination of these). |
The static method Regex.IsMatch() is supported when used to filter on a string property in a LINQ query e.g.:
context.Persons.Where(p => Regex.IsMatch(p.Name, "^a.*e$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
However, please note that the regular expression options that can be used is limited to a combination of IgnoreCase, Multiline, Singleline and IgnorePatternWhitespace.
The Open Data Protocol (OData) is an open web protocol for querying data. An OData provider can be added to BrightstarDB Entity Framework projects to allow OData consumers to query the underlying data in the store.
Identifier Attributes must exist on any BrightstarDB entity interfaces in order to be processed by an OData consumer
For more details on how to add a BrightstarDB OData service to your projects, read Adding Linked Data Support in the MVC Nerd Dinner samples chapter
The OData v2 protocol implemented by BrightstarDB does not support properties that contain a collection of literal values. This means that BrightstarDB entity properties that are of type ICollection<literal type> are not supported. Any properties of this type will not be readable via the OData service.
An OData provider connected to the BrightstarDB Entity Framework as a few restrictions on how it can be queried.
- Second degree expansions are not currently supported. e.g. Department('5598556a-671a-44f0-b176-502da62b3b2f')?$expand=Persons/Skills
- The arithmetic filter Mod is not supported
- The string filter functions int indexof(string p0, string p1), string trim(string p0) and trim(string p0, string p1) are not supported.
- The type filter functions bool IsOf(type p0) and bool IsOf(expression p0, type p1) are not supported.
Microsoft WCF Data Services do not currently support the $format query option. To return OData results formatted in JSON, the accept headers can be set in the web request sent to the OData service.
The generated EntityFramework context class exposes an event, SavingChanges. This event is raised during the processing of the SaveChanges() method before any data is committed back to the Brightstar store. The event sender is the context class itself and in the event handler you can use the TrackedObjects property of the context class to iterate through all entities that the context class has retrieved from the BrightstarDB store. Entities expose an IsModified property which can be used to determine if the entity has been newly created or locally modified. The sample code below uses this to update a Created and LastModified timestamp on any entity that implements the ITrackable interface.:
private static void UpdateTrackables(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This method is invoked by the context.
// The sender object is the context itself
var context = sender as MyEntityContext;
// Iterate through just the tracked objects that implement the ITrackable interface
foreach(var t in context.TrackedObjects
.Where(x=>x is ITrackable && x.IsModified)
// If the Created property is not yet set, it will have DateTime.MinValue as its defaulft value
// We can use this fact to determine if the Created property needs setting.
if (t.Created == DateTime.MinValue) t.Created = DateTime.Now;
// The LastModified property should always be updated
t.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
The source code for this example can be found in [INSTALLDIR]\Samples\EntityFramework\EntityFrameworkSamples.sln
The classes generated by the Entity Framework provide support for tracking local changes. All generated entity classes implement the System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged interface and fire a notification event any time a property with a single value is modified. All collections exposed by the generated classes implement the System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged interface and fire a notification when an item is added to or removed from the collection or when the collection is reset.
There are a few points to note about using these features with the Entity Framework:
Firstly, although the generated classes implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, your code will typically use the interfaces. To attach a handler to the PropertyChanged event, you need an instance of INotifyPropertyChanged in your code. There are two ways to achieve this - either by casting or by adding INotifyPropertyChanged to your entity interface. If casting you will need to write code like this:
// Get an entity to listen to
var person = _context.Persons.Where(x=>x.Name.Equals("Fred")).FirstOrDefault();
// Attach the NotifyPropertyChanged event handler
(person as INotifyPropertyChanged).PropertyChanged += HandlePropertyChanged;
Alternatively it can be easier to simply add the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to your entity interface like this:
public interface IPerson : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Property definitions go here
This enables you to then write code without the cast:
// Get an entity to listen to
var person = _context.Persons.Where(x=>x.Name.Equals("Fred")).FirstOrDefault();
// Attach the NotifyPropertyChanged event handler
person.PropertyChanged += HandlePropertyChanged;
When tracking changes to collections you should also be aware that the dynamically loaded nature of these collections means that sometimes it is not possible for the change tracking code to provide you with the object that was removed from a collection. This will typically happen when you have a collection one one entity that is the inverse of a collection or property on another entity. Updating the collection at one end will fire the CollectionChanged event on the inverse collection, but if the inverse collection is not yet loaded, the event will be raised as a NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset type event, rather than a NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove event. This is done to avoid the overhead of retrieving the removed object from the data store just for the purpose of raising the notification event.
Finally, please note that event handlers are attached only to the local entity objects, the handlers are not persisted when the context changes are saved and are not available to any new context’s you create - these handlers are intended only for tracking changes made locally to properties in the context before a SaveChanges() is invoked. The properties are also useful for data binding in applications where you want the user interface to update as the properties are modified.
The Entity Framwork supports updating a specific named graph in the BrightstarDB store. The graph to be updated is specified when creating the context object using the following optional parameters in the context constructor:
- updateGraph : The identifier of the graph that new statements will be added to. Defaults to the BrightstarDB default graph (
- defaultDataSet : The identifier of the graphs that statements will be retrieved from. Defaults to all graphs in the store.
- versionGraph : The identifier of the graph that contains version information for optimistic locking. Defaults to the same graph as updateGraph.
To create a context that reads properties from the default graph and adds properties to a specific graph (e.g. for recording the results of inferences), use the following:
// Set storeName, prefixes and inferredGraphUri here
var context = new MyEntityContext(
new string[] { Constants.DefaultGraphUri },
Note that you need to be careful when using optimistic locking to ensure that you are
consistent about which graph manages the version information. We recommend that you
either use the BrightstarDB default graph (as shown in the example above)
or use another named graph seperate from the graphs that store the rest of the data
(and define a constant for that graph URI).
For LINQ queries to work, the triple that assigns the entity type must be in one of
the graphs in the defaultDataSet or in the graph to be updated. This makes the
Entity Framework a bit more difficult to use across multiple graphs. When
writing an application that will regularly deal with different named graphs
you may want to consider using the ref:`Data Object Layer API <Data_Object_Layer>`
and SPARQL queries for update operations.