Connection StringsΒΆ

BrightstarDB makes use of connection strings for accessing both embedded and remote BrightstarDB instances. The following section describes the different connection string properties.

Type : This property specifies the type of connection to create. Allowed values are:

Type Description Other Properties For Connection
embedded Uses the embedded BrightstarDB server to directly open stores from the local file system. StoresDirectory
rest Uses HTTP(S) to connect to a BrightstarDB service. Endpoint
dotNetRdf Connects to another (non-BrightstarDB) store using DotNetRDF connectors Configuration, StoreName, Store or Query and Update

StoresDirectory : value is a file system path to the directory containing all BrightstarDB data. Only valid for use with Type set to embedded.

Endpoint : a URI that points to the service endpoint for the specified remote service. Only valid for connections with Type set to rest

StoreName : The name of a specific store to connect to. This property is only required when creating an EntityFramework connection or when creating a connection using the dotNetRdf connection type.

Configuration : The path to the RDF file that contains the configuration for the DotNetRDF connector. For more information please refer to the section :ref:Other_Stores

Store : The URI identifier of the node in the DotNetRDF configuration file that configures the store to connect to. The connection will then attempt to establish the most efficient SPARQL Query and SPARQL Update connections to the configured store. If this option is used in a connection string then any Query or Update options in the connection string will be ignored.

Query : The URI identifier of the node in the DotNetRDF configuration file that configures the SPARQL query endpoint to connect to. If this option is used in a connection string, then the Update property must also be provided.

Update: The URI identifier of the node in the DotNetRDF configuration file that configures the SPARQL update endpoint to connect to. If this option is used in a connection string, then the Query property must also be provided.

OptimisticLocking: Specifies if optimistic locking should be enabled for the connection by default. Note that this setting can be overridden in code, allowing developers full control over whether or not optimistic locking is used. This option is only used by the Data Object Layer and Entity Framework and is currently not supported on connections of type dotNetRDF

The following are examples of connection strings. Property value pairs are separated by ‘;’ and property names are case insensitive.:





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